Know your Worth as a Pet Business Professional

You are unique. No one else can do what you can do, the way you do it. You have special gifts that you bring to your business. You need to value these gifts and feel good about trading the value of these gifts for money. It is not uncommon in the grooming industry, to undercharge or even give services away for free. We are a nurturing bunch who want to love, pamper, and care for our clients. We develop relationships with them and emotions become a part of that relationship. There is a bit of awkwardness asking for money for what you do, especially if you love what you do. Women have such a hard time charging what they should when we are service orientated. There can be such guilt for ‘taking” money to care for the pets we love. This is a common problem with women in business in all industries but is very common with groomers in business.

It all starts in our heads. You are what you think. What are your feelings about money? Do you have self esteem issues? Do you find it painful to put a dollar amount on your work? Our money beliefs come from experiences or handed down from our parents. If you constantly think there is a lack of money, stress that there is never enough. Were you told that “money is the root of all evil”?
 If you live with that constant negative energy, you will never have enough. Money is energy. It is a tool, neither good or bad. Money is what is traded for the value of your services. Your customers appreciate you and want to pay you for your knowledge and skills, with money. To be successful in business, any business, you need to know your worth and charge appropriately for it. Start thinking about money in a different light. Earning money is a good thing. Focus on making money versus taking money. By making money you can…

1. .  Stay in business and continue to serve your clients
2.   Take care and provide for your family
3.      Possibly provide jobs for others
4.      Be able to serve more people and pets, and your community by being successful

These are all good things. Focus on the difference you can make by earning more money without being sorry. Be proud of who you are. Share your gifts. Believe in your business and share it with pride. I love the quote “You teach people how to treat you.” It really applies in this situation.
I have set my prices to succeed. Clients who monopolize my time get charged more. I give no volume discounts and my prices are nonnegotiable. By doing this I have set a tone that my time is valuable and deserving of the fees I charge. I feel my services, skill and experience can support the prices I charge without any guilt. If I decide to give something away, I do it because I want to, not because I was bullied into it. Provide packages or programs or possibly offer a guarantee. These may provide a unique value that a competitor may not have.

First and foremost, you need to know how much money your business needs to make to succeed, not just to get by. It amazes me how many business people do not know their numbers. We will get more into this subject later. For now, make a list of your expenses, plus your salary and savings. Prices should not have anything to do with your competition.  Your costs and expenses will not be the same as your competitor down the street.  How many clients do you have? What is your average sale? How many hours do you want to work? Notice I said “want” not how many you do.

By knowing your numbers, you can get an accurate idea of how many clients you need and what you need to charge to be successful. Recognize the fear that makes you believe you are not worthy or will not get the work if you charge more. When you discount, undercharge, or give things away for free, you say to the universe that you are not as good as your competition. Understand you cannot be all things to all people. Think who is your ideal client and go find them. By judging what people will or can pay you create an energetic barrier for money to flow. You need that positive energy flowing freely. There is more than enough money in the world to go around. Stand behind the value and worth of your services. Be unapologetic about your rates and equally unapologetic about collecting those rates. Be grateful every time you make a bank deposit.

Watch your words. Do not diminish your value by using words like “little”, “small”, or “just”. Speak confidently about your abilities and what you offer.
I personally love affirmations. When I repeat these, it changes my energy to a positive one. Write these down, post them where you can see them often. Repeat them frequently and notice a gradual shift in your thinking.
“I earned it”
“I deserve it”
“I am worth it”
“I have enough”
“I am abundant and prosperous in all areas of my life”
Finally surround yourself with great, positive people. Don’t be afraid to say “no”. Be grateful for all that you have and can do. Let that money energy flow right to you!

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