Mindfulness and Mindset…Where to start to make change

Our thoughts have power. We truly are what we think.
To quote Henry Ford

 “Whether you believe you can do a thing or not, you are right. “

To be successful in any business one needs to have the correct mindset. It all begins with a decision to be positive and is followed by the practice of fulfilling that intention. It truly is a practice. If you have been brought up to be a negative Nellie, your thoughts could become self-fulfilling prophecies. Being surrounded by negative people can suck you into their vortex. I really, really do not like when someone says, “I can’t”. More often than not a choice is made that whatever it is, is not that important, not that you can’t. Most things people desire is attainable if the desire is strong enough. If it is not strong enough then maybe it is the universe telling you that this decision is not right for you. That maybe you need to follow another path. Listen to the whispers.

Once you have made your mind up to do something you are heading in the right direction. Set the intention of getting it done. There does not need to be answers to all the how questions. The answers will come. One needs to just start moving in the right direction. We are all energy and there is a frequency that flows through us all the time. When you feel down and depressed, and nothing seems to be going right, you are operating at a very low frequency. What you put out in the universe will come back to you. This is the law of attraction and although many may think this is all woo woo and fairy dust, the law is always in effect and operating. If you are operating from a low vibration your job is to raise that vibration to get in the flow of what you need and desire. How do you tell if you are headed in the right direction? It feels good. It feels right.

I once thought that my dream was to own a huge boarding/grooming business and raise show dogs. There were signs aka” whispers” along the way that this might not be the right choice for me. At that time in my life, my ego was running the show. Like a freight train, I went full force ahead into this, ignoring all the doubts and signs that were there saying maybe my life should go in a different direction.  Eventually, I hit a brick wall and forced to close that business. I had failed. I floundered in my misery for a while living at very low energy and attracting more of the same right my way. This continued until a dear friend had a chat with me and said to me that I should take the lessons I learned from that whole experience and be a phoenix and rise from the ashes. I took those words to heart and at that moment chose to change my mindset and be open to new opportunities. As my mindset changed so did my life. I know now that because I chose to ignore the whispers the universe stepped in and said, “wrong way”! 

It took a while but getting into the flow of what brought me joy made a very dark period of my life a thing of the past. I headed into the light even when new challenges arose. Life was not perfect and there were ups and downs, some very hard downs, but I had trained my mind to seek the good, to keep moving in the right direction.

So, this is my story in a nutshell. How does this relate to you? If you are feeling lost and low, how can you change this? My answer is to pay attention. Pay attention to how you feel. If the situation does not bring you joy, find something that does and head in that direction. However small or insignificant it appears at the time. Be mindful of how you feel. If something excites you, interests you, makes you optimistic, head in that direction. Investigate and be curious about those feelings. So many pet groomers reach a point of burnout and either leave the industry or continue to be unhappy and unfulfilled. If you are overworked, overwhelmed, in debt, uninspired, seek change. I know…easier said than done but getting yourself into the mindset to make changes, whatever they may be, is step 1.

If you are not sure what to do, do nothing. Sit and be quiet. Meditate, take a walk without the headset, sit under a tree, look out at a body of water, do yoga, whatever works for you, but be still. Things will come. Your soul will tell you what it needs. Many of us do not take the time to slow down and listen. Take what you hear and plan. Start with one thing. Maybe it is your finances? Do a budget, raise your prices? Maybe it is your self-confidence? Educate yourself on what you need to get better at. Once you start the process and you find progress it starts a snowball and continues to grow.

Be mindful of how you feel in all situations and keep the mindset to grow and prosper and live abundantly. Make changes when necessary. There is so much more to discuss on this subject and it can go in many different directions. I will write about this further in the future. Share with us all your feelings and experiences or any brick walls you are facing.



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