We all need someone we can go to. To ask questions, solve problems, inspire us to be better. This is what I hope this blog to be. A mentor to those of you who are pet salon owners or aspire to someday be a salon owner. I have graduated from the school of hard knocks and have learned valuable lessons from my experiences. I want to share those experiences with those who want to hear it or need it. I do not know everything...that, I know for sure! I am hoping that through my posts and feedback that we all can learn from each other. This can go anywhere we want to take it as long as we are always striving to do what we do better & safer, and hopefully make a decent living from it in the process. This business is not going away. Pets are part of the family and our businesses are somewhat recession proof. Many folks are realizing that and are entering this field in mass numbers. For those of us currently making a living grooming people's pets, we need to be at the top of our game, doing the best that we can do, to stay competitive. This is our blog...share stories, business ideas, tips, and basic information, so we can all succeed.