Selling skills for the pet professional. Easier than you think!!!!!!!
The worst thing to do is assume that owner(s) do not want the best for their pet. You cannot judge a book by it’s cover. Sometimes people are just waiting for you to help them spend their money. Many sales are lost by making assumptions. Do not judge what an owner will do by what you would do. This leads to the master rule. ASK EVERY CLIENT EVERY TIME THEY COME IN! Extra services are easiest to do,and the most profitable
Get over your fear of being to pushy. If you think about it in the terms of doing what is best for the pet and owner and not just about the extra cost, it changes your whole approach.
Use signage and menu to help in your sales ( think of restaurant, no menu, you do not know what to order). Nice signage holds owners interest as you speak about the service.
Do a hands on assessment, looking at coat skin ears, nails, teeth, etc.
From that pick 3-4 things that might benefit pet, start with the highest $ amount
Need to make it a routine/habit and ask open ended questions. Do not allow yes/no answers.
"Why are you bringing your pet in today?" Wait for answer, from that you can offer recommendations.
Practice your questions until they are smooth, ask for the sale and measure your results
Recommendations are huge! Personal anecdotes." I grind my dogs nails every week!"
Do not resell the sold, confirm, do not re ask. "So we are going to do XYZ today." This was not a question. Measure your efforts. Set a goal for yourself and keep track of what's working and what is not
Try to talk about add ons before general instructions. Find out what is causing the owner to bring their pet in today, find a solution to those issues, then proceed with grooming instructions.
Confirm with rebook, we did not do (add on service ) today but..... ( nod head ) we can do it on next visit ! Also, make a big fuss about pet when it leaves, pointing out the lack of hair from that de-shed, or how bright & white the coat is. Make the owner take notice on what was done. Bonus..if another client is in the room, it may be an easy sale for that client as well!
Don’t answer unasked questions, questions mean the owner is interested, leave somewhere to go. To tell the owner everything in one full sweep will not leave him any questions to ask. Give them a little, let them respond. Make it a conversation about their pet instead of a sales pitch.
Price “ONLY” Always say "service is ONLY $10.99". Much better than saying "service is $10.99 extra."
Ask questions , stop when you have no more questions." How's your dog's skin? Is he itchy at all?" "Does he scratch you with his nails?" Offer solutions to their problems. Ask, then they tell you what they need. Woo la! A sale! It's really not that hard.
Set personal goals measure results, model those that do it well. If you work with someone who sells well, listen to them, what they say, the words they choose, body language and model it!
Stats 46 million dog owning families 2009 census highest ever. Dog's have gone from being working/farm dogs to sleeping on our beds. they have become true family members. That is why pet industry businesses have been holding their own during these hard economic times. People are making the pets in their lives a priority. We are just filling a need in providing a service they want.