Host A Customer Appreciation Day
Think about it. A special day just for your customers that you can give a little back to them for their loyal business. You would not be in business without these people and their pets. Show them what they mean to you and schedule a Customer Appreciation Day.
You could open your salon’s doors for the day or set up camp in a park. Better yet a dog park! Maybe your local community center would be available. Invite pet related businesses to participate and promote their businesses as well. Networking is a great way to bring in new business. How about a Doggie bakery or a local vet to be available for question & answers? A doggie fashion show done by a local pet boutique. Dog trainers can do demonstrations. Pet food reps might be available to promote the benefits of their product and possibly offer samples. All of this should be free to the public. Invite the public and promote it well. Promote it on your Facebook page and website. Do you Twitter? Those businesses involved can do the same. Can you imagine the amount of potential customers this could reach? Send out e mails to your mailing list and promote the event with flyers . Here are some other ideas you might be able to include in your event.
Animal Communicator Free Pet Photos
Agility Fun Course Free Toenail Trims & Painting
Nutrition Information Creative Grooming Demo
Do you look like your dog contest? Fastest Tail Wag Contest
Puppy Pushup Contest Scavenger Hunts
Refreshments Petting Zoo
Mini Seminars on training and grooming.
Pet Psychic Rescue Groups
This is just some random ideas I came up with. What ideas can you think of? Definitely seize the opportunity to add to your mailing list by holding a raffle. Donate proceeds to a animal group close to your heart. Contact news media personalities, especially those that may promote pets. Send out press releases to local newspapers. Most of all use this day to have fun with your clients and let them really see what you are all about. Your valued customers will have a fun day with their dog and learn about other businesses and products that will benefit their pet. It is a win - win situation! Start planning now!