What is it that is making our dogs sick!

As groomers and pet care professionals, we have all seen it. We have dogs come in to our salons with ears filled with a sickly, sweet smelling gunk. Swollen and sore that itch intensely. They have red, flaky, scaly skin that can be especially irritated in the armpits groin, between their toes and on their lips. Their skin is extremely itchy and they lick their feet and genitals and rub their face. They have a pungent odor. Most of them have been seen by veterinarians which in turn have prescribed steroids and/or antibiotics that may clear up the problem temporarily, until the steroids wear off.

Most pet owners are told the cause is “allergies”. They fuss with food changes, which may or may not help some. Medicated baths, which  only give temporary relief. It saddens me to see the quality of life some of these dogs have.

Candida Albicans is a yeast/fungus that is present in the gut of dogs. Overgrowth of this yeast/fungus produce toxins that can cause a Systematic Yeast Infection that can affect the overall health and wellbeing of the dog. When this yeast takes over the Ph balance in the gut changes to an environment that does not favor the good bacteria in the intestines. What ends up happening is what is called leaky gut syndrome where toxins and allergens leak into the body and wreck havoc with the health of the pet.

What causes this yeast/fungus to flourish?

  1. poor nutrition, carbohydrate diets, no beneficial enzymes, poor protein sources
  2. over vaccination excess medications…heartworm, flea treatments, etc, all weaken the immune system
  3. stress, moving, death, boarding
  4. hormone stress, unaltered, gestation & lactation
  5. over use of antibiotics…kills off good bacteria

So it can be a vicious cycle when a pet is misdiagnosed. Owner takes dog to vet, bad skin, itchy, discharge in the ears, musky odor. Usually a steroid shot is given to relieve the itching and an antibiotic is given. The steroid shot in addition to all of the above suppresses the immune system so it cannot fight off the excess growth of yeast. Plus, the antibiotics have no affect on yeast/fungus but do kill off the good bacteria in the gut. Ear washes are given to flush ears where yeast flourish because it is a moist, warm, dark place as is the folds of skin, between toes and genital areas especially if the dog licks and chews those areas.

Many homeopathic veterinarians feel that Systematic Yeast Infections are often overlooked and misdiagnosed. A Stanford University study on humans states that the major cause of yeast overgrowth in overuse of antibiotics and stress.

So what can we do as pet professionals to help the dogs that come to us in this condition? Although we should not diagnose, we can refer them to a homeopathic vet for a second opinion. Using natural remedies such as herbs, enzymes, vitamins and supplements can help address and correct the underlying causes of this problematic canine health problem. We can also recommend reading material (i.e.: the internet ) and suggest diet  changes. If these dogs eat a grain-based diet, switching them to a meat-based, grain-free, starch-free, and low-carbohydrate diet. It is an easy way to reduce the population of Candida albicans . Carbs and starch turn to sugar and yeast love sugar!!!!

Steroids and antibiotics, often prescribed to fight secondary issues from yeast infections actually cause the yeast to flourish, by weakening the immune system and make the problem worse. Conventional veterinarians usually do not look at the big picture and just treat the symptoms caused by the yeast infection.

There appears to be a connection with yeast overgrowth and Hypothyroidism in dogs. It is advised to ask for a T3, T4 thyroid level blood test. If it comes back low normal this needs to be treated.

Enzymes are an essential for proper digestion. They help to cleanse dangerous toxins from the dog's body, and play a very important role in fighting yeast infections in dogs. However, most enzymes are destroyed when food is cooked. By supplementing and replacing the enzymes destroyed during the processing of your dog's food, it ensures that toxins are removed from the dog's body.

Also, probiotics will replace the good bacteria in the gut after proper detoxification has occurred. Detox can take weeks to months depending on the severity of the infection. When the yeast die the release toxins into the system which in turn actually can intensify the itching and skin outbreaks . The dog may also show other flu like symptoms. It is important to have the support of a holistic veterinarian and to have patience and faith that the pets’ health will improve.

Bathing the affected pet in a medicated shampoo, followed by a baking soda rinse may help relieve itching and make the dog more comfortable. Although, refrain from bathing too often, no more than once a week to remove dead skin. Use all natural products, no chemicals! Some essential oils that are beneficial to problem skin are Tea tree, Rosemary, Lavender, and Eucalyptus. Look for products with these naturally preserved oils to help control bacteria on the skin. One can also look into making their own shampoos and rinses if so inspired or cannot find one commercially.

I hope this information, although basic, will be of some help as you encounter these pets in your grooming businesses. Some of you may own a pet suffering with this and can utilize this information yourselves. I hope educating and making groomers aware of  the existence of Candidas Albicans will in turn educate pet owners and improve the quality of life many of these dogs indure.
 E book on Natural Remedies for Curing Yeast Infections




Sandy Blackburn said…
excellent article and so true! Thanks for sharing!
Pet Salon Pro said…
Thanks for your comment. It just pains me to see these dogs come in to the salon, on antibiotics and steroids, itchy and uncomfortable. They never get any better. Why do the vets not know about this?????
suresh said…
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