Gossip in The Grooming Salon and LIfe

Definition…negative or derogatory comments made about another with no intention other than talking about another to hurt or discredit.

We have all done it. We have been sucked in by others or are guilty of doing it ourselves. I am certainly not proud of the times I have participated or have been guilty of spreading stories I have no personal experience with. Women seem to be particularly guilty of this, but I have known a couple of men in this industry that are worse than any woman I have ever met.
Gossip with in a grooming salon can wreak havoc in the social culture of that salon causing a breakdown of teamwork and respect. It is toxic and could even eventually be the downfall of someone’s business if the gossip is allowed to grow and fester.

Why would we do this to one another? We are all in this together. Groomers need to support one another and if we do not agree, mind our own business. Live and let live. It will be a much better world and work environment if you do
Dave Ramsey of Dave Ramsey Solutions, a huge, very successful company, has a no gossiping rule for team members. If anyone is caught gossiping, they lose their jobs. No excuses. Done! He feels that strongly that gossiping can erode the structure of a business. Maybe we should all take a cue from Dave? He talks a lot about this in his Entreleadership program. Here is a link to one of his You Tube talks. It is quite the rant!!! 

What?  The Damage it causes.

When gossip is present it pushes people apart, segregates, causes unfair judgment about people you may not even know.

It is a huge time waster, it hurts others, and erodes your own ability to be happy and successful because of the negative energy, you are spreading or participating in.

Fact! Those who gossip to you will gossip about you.

Gossiping brings to the surface the insecurities of the gossiper, when we speak badly about others, we speak badly about ourselves

Gossip ruins reputations, our own credibility, and trustworthiness. If you speak badly about others, people will be guarded with you and keep you at arm’s length in fear of being victims themselves.

Oprah once said “When we make negative comments about others behind their backs, we often do so because of we want to feel powerful and that’s because, in some way, we feel powerless, unworthy, or not courageous to be forthright” So much wisdom in that statement.

Why? Why do people gossip?

To feel superior

Gossiper does not feel good about themselves and feels better by talking shit about someone else


To get attention


To feel more connected to the who we are gossiping too, to be a part of a group or clique

How?  How to stop gossip in its tracks.

Drama needs an audience. Don’t participate. Gossip is a 2-way street. By not responding, we do not play and hopefully, we can move on.

Deflect with comments such as…

“Why does she/he interest you so much?”
“I’m more interested in what you have been up to?”
“Let’s talk about something more positive”

There is no way of knowing what truth is or lies, or how the story has changed through all the mouths it has left. Do not judge people by what someone else has said let your own experience speak the truth to you.

Gossiping is not only immoral and unkind, hurtful, and damaging. Spreading personal information whether accurate or not is just wrong.

Hold yourself to a higher standard. If you catch yourself gossiping, stop it and move on to something else. Do not engage in gossip you hear. It will stop it in its tracks.

I write this as I was thinking about gossip... on how it has affected my life as a victim of gossip as well as a perpetrator of gossip. I have personally seen how it caused hurt and pain. I have chosen to make a commitment not to gossip as I travel through the rest of my life. No one is perfect but all we can do is try. My hope is that I can be mindful if I am in the presence of gossip and do the right thing. I hope you will join me in this commitment and make the world…the grooming world, a better place.  



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