Time for Accountability ...Turn Around Groomer Burnout
Meet Carolyn.
Carolyn is 42 years old, divorced, with 2 teenage children. She has been self employed for 15 years and owns a small pet grooming business with 2 employees plus herself. She works long hours, sometimes 6 days a week, 12 hours a day, and barely has enough money to survive. Her employees walk all over her but she is afraid if she speaks up they may leave. What would she do then? Her body hurts, she never takes a vacation, and she misses out on many family functions because of her business. Carolyn has just about had it. She is burnt out and miserable and has thought about packing it in and finding a normal 9-5. All she wants to do is go home drink wine and go to sleep.
Do you know a Carolyn?
Carolyn feels her life is out of control and cannot see a way out. She blames the economy, She blames her ex husband. She blames anyone and anything instead of taking responsibility for her situation at hand. Carolyn feels she is a victim of her circumstances. She feels hopeless and cannot imagine finding a way out.
Then you hear about people who against all odds take responsibility for their lives and go on to do some amazing things. Take Oprah for example. We all have heard about Oprah’s humble beginnings. And we all know what amazing things she has done in her life. What’s the difference between Oprah and Carolyn? Oprah refused to be defined by her less than stellar beginnings. She took control of her life and changed the outcome.
Here’s the truth. You always have the power to make choices in your life. In good times and bad, you can choose your path. It may not be easy but you have control. The way you view this power and the belief that you can change your destiny can have a major impact on your life. This is not to discount the situation you are in is real, but even a minor shift in accepting responsibility, and taking back your power can alter your attitude and spark change.
Having a victim mentality may be something that is comfortable for us. We are taught this from our parents, teachers,or the society we were brought up in. You cannot have what you want, be what you want, or do what you want. You are angry, bitter and feel sorry for yourself. You have the ability to choose a different belief. You can choose to change your attitude. You can look for the silver linings. Change your paradigm take control of your life.
Start looking at your options, big and small. Do not just sit back and wait for something to happen. Action creates clarity. One small action leads to another and another. Before you know it momentum builds and your path is clearer. You do not need to know how at the start. Just know what and why. The how will come.
Go back to your why. Why do you do what you do? Rediscover your why and what is important to you and focus on that. Get some rest, do some self care and make choices that will head you in the direction you want to go. Be inspired by other stories of people who overcame challenges to do great things. They are everywhere, inside this industry and out. Read books, listen to podcasts, go to seminars and workshops. Inspiration and education are everywhere.
Carolyn is still a business owner. She decided to close her salon and be a home based groomer. She specializes in special needs and senior pets and charges a premium for her grooming services. Because of this she has more time to spend with her kids and even took them on a vacation. She still falls into victim mode from time to time, but she recognizes it and can quickly make the shift out. Carolyn took control and made choices that were good for her and her family.
This is just one story. There are hundreds, if not thousands of Carolyn s out there. Let’s help the Carolyn s. We need them in our industry.
4 Paws & Peace