How Stay Productive During This DownTime in Your Grooming Business
So here we are quarantined in our homes, doing what is right, and not grooming. Many of us are unsure of what the future holds and anxiety levels are at an all time high. Please know we are all in this together. With most of us choosing to stay home and not unwittingly spread the virus. We are very lucky that with today's modern technology we can still communicate with each other and stay on top of the current events. There is fear and uncertainty in the air and hopefully by redirecting that energy we can get through this and survive and possibly thrive.
Personally, I have been brainstorming ways to keep my business in the minds of my clients and also ways to possibly bring in a little income to tide me over. Here are my thoughts.
- Offer Gift Cards to your clients for future services. There are apps that do this such as Gift Up,, and Square, They are simple to set up and clients really like them.
- Create a prepay discount package for your regulars. I did this last year when my van was out of commision for a month. I offered if they pre pay for 5 grooms they get a 6th for free. This literally saved me that month. You can also offer a % discount on services if they pre pay. A good CRM (customer relationship management) program will help you keep track of these purchases. I personally use Pawfinity and love it. Here is a link for a free trial.
- I have also considered doing some videos for my clients to post on YouTube or Facebook, to show some techniques for home grooming until we can get back to see them. Then suggest products, combs, brushes to sell them via an affiliate program. Or set up an online store.
During this downtime you might want to take this extra time to ramp up your low cost marketing. Taking the time now to invest in your business will help you get back on track faster and they will all be in place in the event of another slow season.
- Create or redo a newsletter
- Promote your email list
- Create special offers for those who follow you on social media.
- Think of clever ways to increase engagement through social; selfies with their pets, surveys, ask questions
- Ask for testimonials and post them everywhere. Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, your website.
- Revamp your website and branding. Go over every page of your website. Is it accurate? Is your branding consistent? Is the information accurate?
- Create a loyalty or referral program. Keep them coming back and reward them for telling others about what you do.
- Design new marketing materials. Are they outdated? Is your branding clear? I use to create my marketing materials myself. They have a free and paid version.
- Host a contest or giveaway on your platforms. Please be sure to follow the rules and regulations regarding contests.
By doing some budget marketing now you can keep your name and business in the eyes of your clients. It will create some excitement and good energy that when the normalcy returns clients will be excited to do business with you again.
Take the time now to fine tune your behind the scenes business systems and processes. Get caught up on the things you never have time for.
1. First and foremost start a budget, if you do not already have one. Know where your money is going. By doing this you can see where you overspend and can cut back on expenses you do not need right now. Make a plan to also add an emergency fund to be there in the event of another interruption of business. Get your finances organized and in order.
A great app for budgeting is
How can I leave out the one and only Dave Ramsey,
I also recommend the book Profit First by Mike MIchalowicz, It is because of this book and Mike’s recommendations I am not thoroughly freaking out during this crisis.
2. Create or modify your employee handbook. Document your policies and procedures. Fine tune your hiring practices. Make clear job descriptions. Learn what regulations need to be followed by your state. This lays it out in writing what is expected from an employee and also what the employee can expect from their employer
3. Start or modify your Standard Operating Procedures (SOP’s) which are essentially step by step instructions on how to accomplish all tasks within your business. That you can refer to when you have forgotten how to do something or are training a new employee. I create files in my Google Drive and add to it often. It is a living document that can change and evolve as my business changes and grows.
4. Learn something new. Personal growth inspires and motivates you. Read a business book. Take an online course. Invest time in you! I think this is key to preventing burnout. Be curious.
I love Skillshare, From waterpainting to bookkeeping to learning Instagram. There are classes for everything. Lots of grooming specific sites for education as well. Learn new grooming skills or how to run your business better. Here are a few suggestions.
Start or complete your certification.
5. Do a deep clean. Clean and organize your office and work spaces. Take this opportunity to go through your file cabinets, clean off your desk. Clean out and organize your inbox. Is your grooming area clean and organized? Blades sharpened? Extra supplies refilled. Does your reception area need a facelift?
6.Go through your calendar and schedule in time for self care and time off.
7. Plan out your social media for the next 6 months. There are numerous apps that can help you organize this. Check out this site,
8. Get some client feedback. Do a survey of your current clients to find out what their pain points are and what they love and also find frustrating about your business.
9. Join communities and groups online. They are a way to stay informed and communicate with your peers.
10. Create canned email responses. Save time by creating templates for your email responses to clients. This helps you to respond quicker and without taking up a ton of your time when things get hectic again.
11. Check in with clients that you have not seen in awhile. Provide great customer service.
I would love it if you have other suggestions you could share in the comments below.
Stay calm, Stay Well and focus on the good you see everyday. We will get through this together.