Imposter Syndrome in Pet Business. Do you suffer?

Who do I think I am? What makes me think I can teach people about running a successful pet business? This is my struggle with Imposter Syndrome. I am being very vulnerable here and sharing my struggle with you and how I am working on it. I battle that little voice in my head, my ego or fear saying I am not good enough.

Imposter Syndrome is a belief that you are incompetent or an utter failure despite the overwhelming evidence that you are qualified and skilled. Mostly an internal struggle with self-confidence, this syndrome can also be reinforced by unsupportive people around you.

I have been working on this for a bit now. It is a battle only I can conquer with myself. I expect I will struggle with it on and off my whole career. I need to change the way I think. Change the thought patterns from the “I can’t”’ “I am not worthy” “I am not smart enough”, etc.

Words mean a lot to me. I love words and quotes. I read inspiring messages from people I respect and follow. I am a self-declared personal growth junkie. Listening to audiobooks and podcast have helped me more than I can even say. I have found I am not alone in this battle and I am worthy and deserving of everything I want in my life.  My bathroom mirror and wall near my desk are adorned with positive words. Words I read as I put my makeup on or doing my books or writing a new blog post.
Imposter Syndrome has kept many from reaching their full potential. They get stuck in the fear and never venture out of their comfort zone. Everyone starts somewhere and we all cannot be perfect on our first time doing a new thing.

For example, groomers learning to do a continental trim on a poodle the first time. You cannot expect to be as good as the best competition groomer or poodle handler on our first attempt. Every athlete and successful business person started somewhere. So many people think they need to be perfect before they put themselves out there. For many perfect will never come and there they sit in their comfort zones accomplishing nothing.

Eff perfect and just start. Do something! Each day take a step in the direction you want to go. I started by writing down all the things I have done in my career. I even wrote down my utter failures. By documenting them I could recall what I have learned from both the good and the bad. I have them on my desk so I can review them every day. From your experiences, you can know why you are qualified to continue your new path.

I found a support system through positive, successful friends and mentors, online support groups, and through the podcasts and books, I listen too. I attend workshops and seminars that encourage and motivate me. Feeling like an imposter is just a feeling and you can change the way you feel at any moment. It is a choice. When I feel like I am unworthy it is usually when I am comparing myself to someone else who is doing it better, faster, smarter than myself. I need to remind myself that I am unique. My experiences and what I bring to the table are different than anyone else. There is room out there for what I want to offer. I also remind myself of my experiences and why I am worthy and capable.

My journey is a work in progress. By being aware of the struggle is half the battle. I know I am not alone. My mantra is “I am Enough”. I find myself saying that to myself when that wave of self-doubt and fear enter my mind. I try to chase it away quickly and replace it with something positive. I do not give space in my head for comparison. We all are unique and different in what we offer the world.

 The world is a box of crayons. I choose pink and blue crayons. Yours may be the green and yellow crayons. We are all part of that big beautiful box of colors and there is room for all of us and the special gifts we bring to the world.

You are enough! You are a gifted soul who has a purpose in this life. You can do anything you put your mind to. Kick that Imposter Syndrome and comparison aside and live the life of your dreams. Take your pet business to the next level. Learn that new skill or become a teacher to someone else.

I am in your corner and am here to help. Go forth and conquer!

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